This month: Favorite summer songs. You know, those songs that only sound right in summer, or remind of that special summer trip or special summer fling or just reminds you of summer. you can list one, or two or as many as you like. And if y'all got a little story for it than all the better. Here's mine:
1-Long cool woman in a black dress (The Hollies):
I remember this playing off my older sister and brother's 8 track when I was a kid. It reminds me off warm, muggy nights, mini putt and being 5 years old.
2-Samba Pa Ti (Santana):
The ULTIMATE summer "slow dance" song. You can almost here the crickets on a hot July night by the cottage by the lake. And the young couples in behind the bushes. Enough said......
3- Summer Breeze (Seals and Crofts):
Man, this got me thru a boatload of cold , dreary winter nights. It just oozes with a warm feeling of a long lost summer.....
4- Man on the Moon/Night Swimming /Find the river (REM)
The last three songs off "Automatic for the People" and possibly the best songs ever written by REM. Nothing represents, to me, the slow, melancholic demise of summer like these. Listen to them at the end of August, in the evening as the first chill settles in. If possible, do it by an camping fire near a lake and a full moon with a beverage in hand.....
Okay guys your turn.....
1-Long cool woman in a black dress (The Hollies):
I remember this playing off my older sister and brother's 8 track when I was a kid. It reminds me off warm, muggy nights, mini putt and being 5 years old.
2-Samba Pa Ti (Santana):
The ULTIMATE summer "slow dance" song. You can almost here the crickets on a hot July night by the cottage by the lake. And the young couples in behind the bushes. Enough said......
3- Summer Breeze (Seals and Crofts):
Man, this got me thru a boatload of cold , dreary winter nights. It just oozes with a warm feeling of a long lost summer.....
4- Man on the Moon/Night Swimming /Find the river (REM)
The last three songs off "Automatic for the People" and possibly the best songs ever written by REM. Nothing represents, to me, the slow, melancholic demise of summer like these. Listen to them at the end of August, in the evening as the first chill settles in. If possible, do it by an camping fire near a lake and a full moon with a beverage in hand.....
1- Mining for Gold (Cowboy Junkies): I listened to this song for a whole summer, every morning, first thing in the morning, while the cofee was brewing. I was in a camp up in Abitibi.
2-Last Kiss (Pearl Jam): It was the song that played the most during Stéphanie and me's first summer together. It's a sad song but I like it lots.
3-American Pie (Don McLean): Lifeguarding. Drunken nights. Trips in Bob's old Honda. Setting pools on fire. And too many stories to be told... And nobody ever got killed.
Agree with most of the choices but have to correct you on 8 track bit, it was LPs not 8 tracks, thank you very much. The ones that popped into my mind were:
1. Summer Time by Billie Holliday, remake by Janis Joplin
2. Me & Bobby Magee, Janis Joplin
anything by Santana - too numerous to name, some of Joe Dassin's song (French singer)like No me moleste moustique. Well that's it for now folks. Your turn.
Sitting on the dock of the bay (Otis Redding)
It's the End of the World as We Know it (REM)
Moondance (Van Morrisson)
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