It's sunny and 20 Celsius outside! What I did this week: vegged out on good friday, went to a castle and a comics museum on saturday, Easter sunday went to a traditionnal easter market and a NIN concert, vegged out on monday. I drew the rest of the week, made meals and saw 300...gotta run in the sun...............
Y fait beau en crisse. Bon ma semaine: Vége le vendredi saint, chateau et musee de comics samedi, marche traditionnele de paques et concert de NIN dimanche, vegged le lundi apres. Le reste de la semaine , dessins, bouffe pis 300...ciao y fait trop beau......
et puis....NIN ?
NIN?....c'étais( a continuer dans une autre episode capsulique de HORS DU BLEU!!) ta-tan dam.......
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