Bon....Mon suedois est staller, dre la,comme un char, sur le bord de la track. Je m'inscits bintot a des vrais cours. Peut etre aussi en francais por fixer the quality de mon french ortograf bad.....
Je dessine. Je promene. Je cuisine. Je cherche une job.Bof.....
Hey! it's cold and grey. I did some ragout de boulettes and some cookies foe Easter. Not bad but not the best I ever made, but happy enough with it I guess.
My attempts at learning swedish is stalled like a rusty old '59 Chevy pickup on the side of the tracks. I'm gonna start me some real lessons soon. maybe even taken a english refresher course to improoove me england riting skillz......
I draw. I walk. I cook. I look for a job. Hell, same old shit.....
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