The main difference that I have between Sweden and Canada is the elasticity of the length of the daylight hours. I now live in a city that is at the same level au Nunavut. For example let's take today in Stockholm, one month (already) after the first day of spring. The sune will rise at 5:23 and will set at 20:13 for a total of 14 hours 50 minutes of daylight. Now.Montreal, same date. The sun shall rise at 6:01 and shall set at 19:47 for a total of 13 hours 45 minutes. I have already more than an hour of sunlight in difference. Too bad I spend that hour in front of the TV trying to understand why Swedes are still watching Married with Children....
Est-ce que tout le monde se prépare à danser tout nu dand la rue le 21 juin?
Non, tout le monde fait la dance de la grenouille lors du soltice de l'été...je vais expliquer tout cela dans un blog plus tard.....
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