Yes, "fuct". It means humid or humidity. It's "fuct" here in winter. Very "fuct" indeed. Much more "fuct" than winter in Montreal. It's adds a lot to how cold it really feels. Last week it was -11 with a "fuct" level of 81%. Yes, we were 81% "fuct" and damn it was cold. Really, really cold. In summer it's not as "fuct" here in Sweden compared to the "fuct" level in Montreal. Montreal is much more, more "fuct" in summer. The only place in summer that people feel really "fuct" in Stockholm is in the subway system which his really "fuct" due to the fact that it runs under a bunch of islands.
Désolé. Le mot signifie humide ou humité mais en anglais c'est un homonyme, du moins phonétique, d'un mot qui est équivalent de "fourré" et hélas je ne peux pas faire le même jeu de mots cocasse sinon ados en francais. Mais c'est vraiment drôle en anglais...okay pas si drôle que ça mais comique quand même....
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