Friday, August 3, 2007

Favorite 2: Summer Places- Endroits d'été

---------Okay everybody back from vacation? Everybody have a great time? Okay. This month's question: What is your favorite special summer place? Now, from your youth, someplace you go every summer? What is it?

As usual, i'll start it off.

1) Pointe des Cascades. No place like home. Walking by the canal, looking up at the stars in the quarry. Spending my youth playing pool and pinball at the miniputt, listening to the old jukebox.

2) St Gabriel de Brandon. Roseanne's and Jean Marc's cabin. Sitting on the beach, sketching the sunsets, wondering what I was going to do with my life.

Your turn.


vikinggib3000 said...

As usual, i'll start it off.

1) Pointe des Cascades. No place like home. Walking by the canal, looking up at the stars in the quarry. Spending my youth playing pool and pinball at the miniputt, listening to the old jukebox.

2) St Gabriel de Brandon. Roseanne's and Jean Marc's cabin. Sitting on the beach, sketching the sunsets, wondering what I was going to do with my life.

Isabelle said...

Okay here's mine:

1) Pointes-des-Cascades: well it was like a summerhome for me and most of my youth w-ends were spent there with my parents, either arcade, pool or just walking by the canal... great place to relax!!!

2) Tina's chalet: take you out of the routine, no sound but nature (except my kids of course!), a pool, good friends and good food and drinks. What's better in life?

3) La Ronde: to go there and forget all the "adult" worries that we have all year long and become once again a kid... what more to ask (ah yes, a babysitter for the kids to enjoy the "grownup rides" ;)

Butch said...

Tough one!
1)Pincourt. Hometown. Playing baseball in the park. Hanging out at the municipal pool. Swimteam competitions. Later on summers spent lifeguarding. Ahhhh,memories!
2)Northern Ontario and Quebec. I know it's a wide place. Spent 5 months working around Timmins. 4 months around Chibougameau. Working in the bush. Alone all day. Living in a camp. Weird. Surreal at times. You learn alot about yourself (or go crazy).

richardlephysicien said...

N'importe où sur l'eau: le fleuve en kayak ou l'Atlantique sur un surfboard. Pointe des Cass, ça me va aussi, mais près du barrage d'hydro.